Every few months I’ll think of an idea for a great blog post, create the draft in WordPress, and go on about my day. Sadly, days, months, and years have gone by without revisiting these ideas. The truth is that I’ve been so busy absorbing all kinds of interesting things while working at Kenzan, my interest in after-hours development has waned dramatically. Here’s the current blog post backlog:
- Approach to JavaScript Unit Testing
- CICD with WordPress
- UI Streaming (Node and http/2 streams)
- What is Front-End Architecture?
- Front-End Performance Auditing/Budgeting
- WordPress Skeleton Theme
- One Year at Kenzan
- What I learned from Alex King
All of these are in various stages of completion and I’ll make time for them eventually. Stay tuned?
The list varies, but here are my current extracurricular interests:
- Advanced Node.js (Async/await, TypeScript)
- GraphQL/Apollo
- Golang
- Making microservices accessible
It’s been two years since I joined Kenzan and I’ve been doing a lot of reflection while preparing for my annual review. I was lucky enough to be able to dive into a number of topics – AngularJS, Falcor, PCI security, release management, Angular, unit testing, E2E UI testing. All of these technologies preparing me for my current work involving Node.js (Loopback 3.x), React/Redux (Electrode.io), CSSModules/cssnext, Webpack, NetflixOSS, and AWS.
Overall, it’s been a fantastic transition from marketing into software development and I feel extremely fortunate to work alongside such a talented group.